Tuesday, November 25, 2014

I want to wait?

     “I want to wait...” So often I hear this statement coming out of someone’s mouth but really what they are saying is “I need an excuse at this moment.”

     2015 will be here momentarily, are you ready or are you going to wait? (Just kidding you can’t) Wait to hit your business goals? Wait to take the next step? Wait until…? It’s time to start preparing for the New Year and start by setting your goals. Not New Year resolutions, not someday when Jupiter, Uranus and Earth align, actual goals and rungs to reach for in your business.

     A quote going around Facebook today is: “Good things come to those that wait WORK THEIR TAIL OFF.” Fitting for current events and with all things considered going on in the world. The Economy is recovering (so ‘they’ say), gas prices are down, election season is over and it’s the dawn of a new year. Why not take advantage of your time and talents and start to put the pieces together for your life puzzle.

     Make the move today, physically or mentally, but take more than a moment to plan, act, and do your goals with no limitations to hold you back. The regular excuses don’t apply today, because tomorrow is a new day and there isn’t time to wait for the New Year. Take your business Up One Level.


Brian Walker