Friday, June 14, 2013

Missed Goals and Attaining Status

Three years ago I made a plan and set my sights on something BIG, something to set me apart from the others and solidify my name as an elite.. After a year of hard work, planning and late nights, I failed…miserably. Even though the numbers were close, not obtaining my highlighted goal threw everything I knew into the trash. Or so I thought…

They say you grow from losing and not winning, they say it is better to have loved and lost then to never have loved at all. But when your friends and business partners call to ask if you made your goals you want to crawl under a rock and have it fall on you. Then you realize you just can’t quit. Walking away is not an option so you have to inch your way forward and continue the push towards the next goal, you WON’T accomplish.

Many people use monetary status as a way to measure their self worth and abilities. Many want the recognition of plaques, trophies and admiration from peers over anything else in the world. I’m part of the latter group because I know if I have the fame then the money will come into the bank. There are plenty of famous stupid people making tons of money they probably do not deserve in the world. I’m thinking of a few but they aren’t worth mentioning…

“If you do shoot for the moon and miss, you’ll land among the stars.” That saying really isn’t true because depending on your trajectory you probably will either burn up in the sun or freeze way before you land next to another star. (Just Saying) But the point is you need to continue to shoot for something, something important to you that may make you feel uncomfortable. The giant goal making you take action while you would rather watch TV or pet your goldfish.

It’s time for you to start planning, it’s time for you to walk over to the Window of Opportunity and instead of knocking, throw a brick through it and dive over the sill. Make this day count so when you do look back in three years you’ll be able to say you did something. Even if you don’t succeed at first, try, try again… you’ll get there.