Friday, September 12, 2014

Hitting the Sweet Spot Month, Take Advantage of It!

September 12, 2014


     With the close of summer upon us and the kids back in school, September has the potential of being an amazing month for business. Very soon, the holidays will be here and we’ll get distracted by the excitement. These months are the ‘sweet spot’ for a final push towards your yearly goals.

     What are you going to do differently in the next 30 days? Go to a Chamber event? Schedule a meeting with a personal coach? Are you going to jump in and tackle that nagging problem you’ve wanted to solve? Whatever it is, the time is now before it is too late.

     The Rilynn Company has been busy putting together activities and seminars in the meeting room and around the building itself. Social Media Educationals, Toastmasters, TEAM Referral Group and Tupperware have been keeping the place lively and causing the doors to swing. Many people come to the building several times a week to learn something new from an expert.

     Open enrollment for Medicare starts October 15th, if you or someone you know qualifies for Medicare, please consider talking with Nency Gonzales. She is becoming an expert in Medicare and truly cares about her clients. With her years of insurance experience, she not only helps her clients, she educates them as well so they know what they are getting before it is too late.

     Consider doing something new this month, out of the box and away from your comfort zone. The results may surprise you so enjoy the changing business season, the changing of the weather and enjoy the changing you!