Monday, May 19, 2014

CEO... Chief Everything Office or...?

     CEO…Chief Everything Officer or Chief Executive Officer; Are you working in your business or ON your business? Almost every day I ask myself this question as I get to the office early and leave late, first in, last out mentality. Do I get up for another cup of coffee or send someone else while I finish a task actually making me money? Is the gossip at the water cooler worth the 15 minutes and (most importantly) productive?

     Time management is important for goals, deadlines and priorities need to be set. Boundaries for how much TV watching, talking with friends and window shopping can be determined so more time can be devoted to positive projects and not time wasters. As we all know, even the richest people only get 24 hours in a day to be successful.

            The next time you are out playing a game on your cell phone, ask yourself, “is there something else I should be doing?” If the answer is yes, stop and take the correct actions to reach your goals. If you don’t have goals, put a slot of time into your day to think and daydream about the person you want to be. This can be for personal, work or whatever else you feel is necessary to make you smile at the end of the day. Because waking up knowing you are a better person can help you stay motivated to accomplish even more as the CEO, even if it means you are the Everything Officer.

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